Re: comfort hotel and con man

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Oh deah, when will they close him down ?

> As many of the local community and business's will be aware that Clacton
> con-man Syed Haider who owned the Days Inn franchise got into so much debt
> his company SIR Hospitality Ltd went into liquidation and as a consequence
> Days Inn withdrew the franchise. Now Mr Syed Haider of 6-8 Marine Parade
> West, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1RD has re-opened under the franchise of
> Comfort Hotel. He has continued to con his way through suppliers and is
> still sending out cheques that bounce. It is advised that anyone wanting
> to book a function with this hotel or a celebration, are stroingly advised
> not to. Syed Haider is back to square one and another Liquidation is
> imminent as debts begin to rise, anyone investing in a party or function
> be warned you are most to loose deposits or be completely disatisfied with
> the hospitality they 'try' to offer.
> He went into liquidation to dodge every one including government and
> opened a new company under his family name but he is still running the
> hotel.
> He has illegal people working for him in comfort hotel so that he
> doesnot need to pay them and he can save some tax.
> He promise every company and suppliers to pay but as he is very
> clever his cheque bounces every time and in this way he get away for
> couple of weeks.
> All you need to do is ask around town and there reputation will be
> confirmed.
> You have been warned, stay away from this con-man and this disaster
> waiting to happed, 'again'

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